Surf the Web with A/UX!

This file contains the most recent listing of available files in Web_stuff as well as a short description of each. Most are GNUzipped (.gz) tar files. You will need GNUzip to decompress these.

Diff-files can be applied by using patch.

File Descriptions
A text file description of all files in this directory.

Mosaic Patch and Source (2.2)
Port of the latest version of Mosiac (2.2) for A/UX. Provided by Eric Rosen ( Be sure to read README.AUX.

X-Mosaic 2.4 for A/UX
Precompiled binary of X-Mosaic 2.4 for A/UX. Ignore the warnings :)

Apache WWW Server for A/UX
Port of Apache 1.0.0 for A/UX. Complete with binary and sources!

freeWAIS 0.3 for A/UX
Full port of freeWAIS v0.3 for A/UX. Thanks to Jon Stevens for the port.

gopher2.016-diffs Patch file for gopher/gopherd 2.016 to compile and run under A/UX.

HTTPD server for A/UX
Port of the latest WWW server, httpd v1.4.1, for A/UX. Precompiled and with all needed files to run it "right away" on your system. Be sure to read the included AUX_README file though...

Diffs to get lynx2-3 to compile correctly for A/UX. Requires 'gcc'.

           Jim Jagielski                    NASA/GSFC, Code 734.4               Greenbelt, MD 20771
        Voice: 301-286-5964                   FAX: 301-286-1719
"If we increase the size of the penguin until it is the same height as a man
 and then compare the relative brain size, we now find that the penguin's
 brain is still smaller. But, and this is the point, it is larger than it WAS!"