Life (and Time) saving Utilities for A/UX
This file contains the most recent listing of available files in Utilities
as well as a short description of each. Most are GNUzipped (.gz) tar files.
You will need GNUzip
to decompress these.
Diff-files can be applied by using patch.
- File Descriptions
A text file description of all files in this directory.
- 3270 Emulator
A 3270 emulator for A/UX... Now you can connect to your favorite
IBM mainframe. From Eric Hagberg.
- aub.2.0.5.shar.gz
The Assemble Usenet Binaries package. It'll collect and assemble
Usenet binaries that you specify.
- bbs 2.2 for A/UX
Make your A/UX box a BBS server. Use the bbs v2.2 utility! Fully
ported for A/UX. Provided by Jon Stevens (
- Berkeley make
Port of the Berkeley make package as well as the additional
'tmac' macros needed by it. Provided by Phillip P. Porch
- Berkeley mandoc
The Berkeley 'mandoc' package. Works very well with the above
Berkeley 'make' package. Ported and provided by Phillip Porch
- ctwm.bin.tar.gz
Binary of the 'ctwm' window manager for A/UX's X environment. Provided
by Trond Kandal (
- ctwm.lib.tar.gz
Libraries of the 'ctwm' window manager for A/UX's X environment.
Provided by Trond Kandal (
Manuals for the 'ctwm' window manager for A/UX's X environment.
Provided by Trond Kandal (
- fortune.tar.gz
Snappier version of fortune for A/UX. Contains fortunes from
'startrek', 'simpsons' and 'zippy'. Very nice. Provided by
Phillip P. Porch.
- GNUzip
Tar archive of the GNU zip compression package. Includes all
binaries and man pages for A/UX. Needed to decompression '*.gz' files.
- JOE for A/UX
Port of the JOE (a nice text editor: Joe's Own Editor) for A/UX.
Requires a little fiddling with 'stty' and the fixed in.telnetd
for it to work 100%. Ported by Michael Trent (
- kermit
Port of the latest version of kermit (5A(189)) for A/UX. Better
and faster than the version provided with A/UX. Includes man page.
- layers_unix_1.30.tar.gz
"Latest" version of layers, ported for A/UX. Kudos to Matthew
Martini (
- lc.tar.gz
A nice alternative to 'ls'.
- mpeg_play binaries
Complete binaries of mpeg_play v2.0 for A/UX. Ported by Matthew Martini
- source for mpeg_play
Complete source for mpeg_play v2.0 for A/UX. Ported by Matthew Martini
- msgs.tar.gz
'msgs' ported for A/UX. Includes binary and source. From
Phillip Porch.
- mush.724.tar.gz
I guess this is version 724(??) of mush...??
- NetHack
Ahhh... the port of NetHack (very nice!) for A/UX. Includes a nice
README that you really should read :). Thanks to Rich Ewing
( for providing this.
- netlist - AppleTalk viewer
A neat little utility from John Dundas (
that is useful for looking at AppleTalk networks. Check it out!
- p2c for A/UX
Thanks to Matt Martini (, we now have a
way of "writing" Pascal for A/UX. 'p2c' changes Pascal source
to C source, so we can then compile with 'gcc'.
- patch.bin.tar.gz
Ported copy of the 'patch' program. Included is it's man page.
- Perl Binaries
Binary exucutable of perl v4.036 for A/UX.
- Perl Source
Full source distribution of perl v4.036 to compile for A/UX
- perl 5.003 for A/UX
Complete binary package of perl 5.003 for A/UX 3.1(.1). Includes
binaries, libraries and man-pages. This compile of Perl5 contains
ALL Perl extensions. This build includes Tom Boutell's gd/GD
"GIF creation" library Extension as well. Info about gd/GD can
be found here
- pine-3.95-aux-bin.tar.gz
- pine-3.95-aux-diffs
- pine-3.95-aux.tar.gz
- pine3.95.aux.bin.tar.gz
- pine3.95.aux.tar.gz
- procmail 3.10 for A/UX
Procmail 3.10 compiled for A/UX. Full source.
- pstree.bin.tar.gz
Port of 'pstree' version 1.4 which generates 'ps' output in a
tree-like format. With man-page and source.
- scsiprobe
Neat little program that prints out useful info (like vendor,
product, etc...)about your attached SCSI devices.
- set-aux-bin.hqx
A useful utility, by Bill Johnston (, that
changes the type/creator of files to "BIN ", "A/UX". Supports drag-
- showaudio
Port of the 'showaudio' external viewer for users who run Mosaic
under X in A/UX. Provided by Eric Rosen (
- term112.aux.bin.tar.gz
For A/UX, here is version 1.12 of 'term', already ported.
- unzip.tar.gz
Package to unarchive *.zip files.
- upsl0.tar.gz
Neat little program that maintains SLIP connections for you.
- vtwm.tar.gz
Ported copy of Virtual TWM (5.1) for A/UX. Provided by
Dennis Govoni (dennis.govoni@East.Sun.COM).
- xemacs 19.11 patch file
If you like, you can use these patches to compiled xemacs-19.11
- Xmeter
Binary release of the xmeter utility for A/UX. Pretty cool! Thanks
to Eric Rosen for providing this useful tool.
- xrn6-17.bin.tar.gz
Binary executable for xrn v6.17 for A/UX.
- xv-3.0.bin.tar.gz
The X-windows graphics viewer, v3.0, already ported for A/UX.
- zmodem
Binary of the zmodem communication package, compiled for A/UX.
Provided by Jon Stevens.
Jim Jagielski NASA/GSFC, Code 734.4 Greenbelt, MD 20771
Voice: 301-286-5964 FAX: 301-286-1719
"If we increase the size of the penguin until it is the same height as a man
and then compare the relative brain size, we now find that the penguin's
brain is still smaller. But, and this is the point, it is larger than it WAS!"